pdf file

  • LUNDELL, MIHAI, Romanians in the Global Missions Movement, 1-3
  • VLASIN, ALEXANDER, compiler, Romanian Cross-Cultural Mission Agencies, 3
  • ANONYMOUS, The Expulsion of Missionaries from Uzbekistan; An Interview with a Central Asian Missionary, 3-4.
  • PARKS, EVAN, Planning for Crises in Eastern Europe, 4-6
  • CHERENKOV, MYKHAILO, The Slavic Diaspora and Its Soviet Trauma, 7
  • TURLAC, OLEG, Slavic Evangelicals in a Survival Mode: A Response to Mikhail Cherenkov’s “Slavic Diaspora,” 7-8
  • LEUSTEAN, LUCIAN N., Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern, Europe, and Post-Soviet Politics, 9-11
  • MITROFANOVA, ANASTASIA AND ZOE KNOX, Beyond the Moscow Patriarchate: Popular Piety and Protest in the Russian Orthodox Church, 11-14
  • GOECKEL, ROBERT, Review of David Doellinger, Turning Prayers into Protests; Religious Based Activism and Its Challenge to State Power in Socialist Slovakia and East Germany: Budapest: Central European University Press, 2013, 14
  • BENHAM, STEPHEN, Letter to the editor, 15.KIM, TATIANA, Christian Psychology in Russia, 16, 15

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