The biannual (quarterly through 2024) East-West Church Report explores Christian life in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe. We focus on:

  • church-state, interfaith, and interchurch relations
  • emerging threats to religious freedom for all
  • innovative Christian charitable projects and mission
  • latest academic research into Christian history and culture in the region

Annual subscription rates are $18 (individuals) and $40 (institutions). This includes two issues, each consisting of 20 pages, published in May and October.

Payment is either by check (in U.S. Dollars only and payable to East-West Church Report) or by PayPal via the “Subscribe” page at .

Whichever way you pay, please provide (with your check or by email) the e-mail address to which the Report should be sent, the subscriber’s name and address, and the type of subscription required (individual or institutional).

East-West Church Report holds 501(c)(3) non-profit status and is largely reliant upon subscriptions and voluntary labor. Please consider adding a donation to your subscription.

Institutional subscribers may distribute issues to those within the institution (e.g. students using a university library). Other distribution/reproduction of whole issues or individual articles requires the permission of East-West Church Report. Once permission is granted, the following statement is to be carried with the reproduced material: “Reproduced with permission of the East-West Church Report.”

The Report values feedback from readers, including suggestions for potential topics and authors

Geraldine Fagan, Editor

Mark R. Elliott, Editor Emeritus

Matthew Miller, Book Review Editor

ISSN 2576-344X (formerly 1069-5664)

Indexed by American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES), OCLC Public Affairs Information Service (formerly PAIS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Christian Periodicals Index.

East-West Church Report

PO Box 76741
Washington, DC 20013   
