In William Yoder’s “Response to Mykhailo Cherenkov, “Thc Changing Face of Church and Mission iu Eurasia,” East-West Church and Ministry Report 24 (Spring 2016), 6-7, a substantive error occurred in editing. The text as published reads: “Cherenkov writes, ‘In Russia. . . ., widespread nominal belief has become rinfected with an explosive mixture of nationalistOrthodox-Stalinist beliefs.’ True, such tendencies exist. One example is Moscow’s Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who spoke out against this very mixture and was deposed by Patriarch Kyrill in December 2015.” Yoder correctly responds, “Not true. . . . It was the other way around. Chaplin’s nationalist views very likely contributed to his downfall.” The text should have read: One example of such [nationalist-Orthodox-Stalinist] views is Moscow’s Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, deposed by Patriarch Kyrill in December 2015.” Also, the following sentence, which ended with a question mark, should have ended with a period: “It would be good if Cherenkov could explain the role of Ukraine’s Secretary of National Security Oleksandr Turchynov, who is a Baptist, among the semi-fascist Azov Battalion in the war-front city of Mariupol.” The editor deeply regrets these errors.

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