What you are doing is totally wrong! Stop writing and spreading bad news about Russia. Russians and Russian churches are totally happy with life in Russia, I never requested your articles and I don’t know where you’ve got my email, but now I know what you do, and I’ll do my best to let people know what you do to harm our country. We have enough Russian missionaries and ministers to work in our country. Moreover, there are lots of Russian missionaries worldwide - in Africa, Asia, etc. 

Alexei Fedichkin, director, Children’s Charity “99 Sheep,” Moscow, Russia I greatly benefited from that [Ukraine theme] issue. I will share it, and I will cite it in my works. 

Dr. Maksym Balaklytski, associate professor, Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine Your Ukrainian issue was superb and deserves to appear as a short book. I hope to use it as a basis for writing something for the (London) Times.

Congratulations on such superb work. Dr. Canon Michael Bourdeaux, Keston Institute, Oxford, England.

Dear Mark, Your issue, particular your own article on Ukraine, was excellent. Dr. Walter Sawatsky, professor emeritus, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Indiana.

Mark: This is a very impressive endeavor, and you can be rightfully proud. Dr. Paul Mojzes, editor, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, Rosemont College, Rosemont, Pennsylvania.

Thank you very much for sending me this valuable and comprehensive report, and thanks to you too for your effort and commitment in compiling it. Dr. Philip Walters, editor, Religion, State and Society, Witney, United Kingdom.

East-West Church Report

PO Box 76741
Washington, DC 20013   
