In this study Larry Beman has compiled an incredible amount of information about Roma, a people long misunderstood, feared, and even hated. Though written specifically for a people group study for United Methodist Women, Beman has succeeded in writing an account of use to a much wider audience including local churches, missionaries, scholars, and anthropologists. In just 89 pages Beman covers Roma origins in India, their culture and history, and the development of the hatred that has been directed toward Roma for millennia. The author also notes signs of hope and grace, including governments that at one time sought to deport or exterminate Roma now seeking ways to integrate them into mainstream society. This unashamedly Christian study not only teaches about Roma, it also reminds readers of biblical mandates instructing God’s people to care for the poor, the alien, and the outcast. The final chapter is an inspiring look at what United Methodists are doing among Roma in Eastern Europe, how individuals can be involved personally in ministry among Roma, and guidelines for United  Methodist ministry among the poor. An appendix by Dee Dee Azhikakath provides helpful resources for spiritual development and worship focused on Roma. 

It is a challenge to decide the study’s greatest contribution: the compilation of extensive information on a people with comparatively little written history, the inclusion of memorable photos that personalize the account, or the helpful bibliography. Still, on some points Beman makes assertions that are debatable, for example, that Elvis Presley had Roma ancestry and that Travelers in England are Roma. As regards Travelers, the confusion may stem from the association of unrelated groups simply because they share similar lifestyles and cultures. With that said, Beman’s study is to be commended for inspiring love for God’s people called Roma. 

Frank Dawson, former Cooperative Baptist Fellowship missionary among Roma in Russia, now works as a drug counselor in Birmingham, Alabama.

East-West Church Report

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