A Frank Assessment of Church Growth and Missions Today

Rich Correll

Many will agree that the 1990s were a very special time with many conversions, new churches started, theological institutions opened, buildings built, literature published, and multiple ministries of all types launched. This was a period of incredible activity at home and abroad for Slavic evangelicals. Many will also agree that the gospel is no longer on the advance. Conversions and baptismsare declining; new church plants are at a low level. Although some good foreign work is underway, theological institutions are struggling for students, buildings are only partially filled, and we observe widespread indifference, although the needs and opportunities are still tremendous. There has been limited reproduction of churches. The fire seems to have been extinguished. What is needed is an honest discussion about the hindering effects of dependence on outside finances, dependence on buildings and dependence on academic education and professionalism.

Edited excerpt published with the author’s permission from a workshop held at the International Evangelical Mission Forum, Irpen,Ukraine, 24-25 October 2008.

Rich Correll is founder and president of Church Planters’ Training International, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

East-West Church Report

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