History of Euro-Asian Evangelical Movement 2.0 and 3.0 CD-ROMs
Reviewed by Oleg P. Turlac.
The History of Euro-Asian Evangelical Movement 2.0 CD-ROM was released in 2002 by the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association of Evangelical Theological Schools (EAAA) with support of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). This selection of primary sources and modern research on the history of the Russian Evangelical movement from the mid-nineteenth century includes Sergei Sannikov, ed., A History of Baptism; Sergei Savinsky et al., A History of Evangelical Christians-Baptists in the USSR; Vladimir Franchuk, Russia Asked the Lord for Rain; and such journals as Bratskii vestnik [Fraternal Herald] (1945-93); Vestnik istiny [Herald of Truth] (1976-94), and other documents related to the life of Baptist, Pentecostal, Mennonite, and Adventist communities.
The History of Euro-Asian Evangelical Movement 3.0 CD-ROM, released by EAAA and MCC in 2003, contains the following sources: E. Kubryn, New Faith; G. Domashovetz et al., Historical Sketch of the Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church; Baptist Ukrainy [Baptist of Ukraine] (1926-28); and Bulleten’ uznikov [Prisoners’ Bulletin] (1982-84, 1986), as well as other previously unavailable archival documents.
Both CD-ROMs will serve well those interested in the history of the Evangelical movement in Russia and the former Soviet Union and will offer access to rare and very valuable documents that shed light on the persecuted church in Russia and the former USSR.
More information about the CD-ROMs can be obtained at:
www.e-aaa.org. The cost of each is $4 plus $2 for shipping and
handling. Direct requests to the office of EAAA, Box 51, Odessa-91,
65091, Ukraine; email: eaaa@te.net.ua.
Oleg P. Turlac is dean of extension programs and instructor of theology at the College of Theology and Education, Kishinev, Moldova, and a doctor of ministry candidate at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama.
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© 2005 East-West Church and Ministry Report
ISSN 1069-5664