The Romanian International Mission: A Case Study
Scott Klingsmith
Editor's Note: Previous issues of the East-West Church and Ministry Report 12 (Summer 2004): 9-12; and 12 (Fall 2004): 15-16, carried Scott Klingsmith's findings on Hungarian missions and a Romanian mission in Albania.
Romanian International Mission (Misiunea Internatională Romană--MIR), based in Cluj, Romania, encompasses the mission initiatives of a variety of churches, denominations, foreign and national mission agencies, and concerned individuals. It is not a direct sending agency itself, but many Romanian groups that do send out missionaries are active in MIR.
The Founding of METRO
In September 1999, Gavi Moldovan, president of the Romanian
church-planting agency United World Mission (Misiunea Mondială
Romônă--MMU), invited a variety of Romanian leaders and expatriate
missionaries to a meeting in Cluj. He called this meeting to explore
whether a Romanian cross-cultural missions agency should be founded.
The result was the Romanian Evangelistic Cross-Cultural Mission
(Misiunea Evangelistică Transculturală Romônă--METRO). A second meeting
in November 1999 focused on reports prepared by various organizations
that had an interest in sending missionaries from Romania. Discussions
centered on proposals for a training curriculum, research on other
mission organizations in Romania, development of publicity materials,
and a METRO draft constitution.
Despite a lack of agreement on whether METRO should develop as an
organization or as a network of like-minded organizations, the group
made the decision to seek legal registration, which took two years.
Soon the name METRO was changed to Misiunea Internatională Romană
(MIR), partly to avoid confusion with a chain of large wholesale
outlets of the same name which had entered the country. The word mir
was also chosen for its positive meaning: it is the word used in John
12:3 for the perfume that Mary poured on Jesus' head. MIR desires to
see Romanian missionaries going out to be "the aroma of Christ among
those who are being saved" (2 Corinthians 2:15).
MIR was founded to encourage the selection, preparation, sending, and sustaining of Christian cross-cultural missionaries and to provide social-humanitarian help for people worldwide. MIR's current activities include a missionary training school, Scoala de Misiune M.I.R., based in Sibiu. Forty-five students participated in the first session, which lasted one-and-a-half years. A second two-year session followed with 12 to 15 students. In its wake, mission schools have been started in Constanta, Sibiu, Arad, and Timisoara. In addition, the Baptist Seminary in Bucuresti has begun a missions department.
Some Romanians believe that gaining official registration required so much of MIR's energy and activity that it currently is not doing anything significant. As one source said with ironic pride, "We have a stamp!" This relative lack of activity, however, does not disqualify MIR as one of the important mission case studies in East Central Europe, because many of the key people in MIR are important players in the developing missions scene across the country.
The MIR Coalition
Members of MIR
include the director of an official mission in the Baptist Union,
Sociatatea Internatională Baptistă Română (SIBR), leaders of the
Baptist, Pentecostal, and Brethren Unions, the director of the Mission
and Evangelism Commission of the Romanian Evangelical Alliance (MMU),
some local churches, and Organizatia Studentilor Crestini Evanghelici
din Romania (Organization of Evangelical Christian Students in
Romania), which is affiliated with the International Fellowship of
Evangelical Students. Western mission agencies that participate in MIR
include the Alliance for Saturation Church Planting, BEE International,
CBInternational, Church Resource Ministries, Evangelism Explosion,
Greater Europe Mission, International Teams, OC International,
Pioneers, Shield of Faith, and United World Mission, among others. Some
non-Western missions participate as well, notably from Korea.
First Steps
MIR did not appear in a
vacuum. It was the culmination of a process that had begun several
years before. In November 1997, a group of mostly American missionaries
and Romanians met for the first time to establish what they called
Partners in Mission Training (PMT). They wanted to establish a network
or partnership that would assist the emerging Romanian mission sending
movement. Each shared what they were doing and planned ways to
encourage Romanians to expand their missions vision and activity. They
also started to develop a curriculum for a missionary training program.
This network eventually merged with MIR.
Russ Mitchell
Under the auspices of
PMT, OC missionary Russ Mitchell wrote a paper in 1998 promoting
"Mission for Romanians," which survey respondents mentioned frequently
as a significant factor in opening their eyes to the potential for
mission. (This document is available in Romanian and in English under
the title, "Mobilizing Romanians for Missions," at the OC International
Web site:
Mitchell argued that Romania had the personnel and financial resources
to send at least 80 Romanian missionaries, without a great stretch of
faith. At least one key pastor was gripped by the potential expressed
and began to distribute this paper to other leaders. The Missions and
Evangelism Commission of the Romanian Evangelical Alliance eventually
published it under the title Misiune pentru Romani,
which gave it an even wider audience. Other key mission sending
motivators included American missionaries Stan Downes, Dwight
Poggemiller, Steve Farina, and Tom Keppeler.
Vasile Talos
One of the first times
the topic of foreign missions became public was at a national missions
conference for Baptist pastors in fall 1998. Several times Vasile
Talos, president of the Baptist Union, spoke passionately and
convincingly of the need for Romanians to launch cross-cultural
missions. He exhorted pastors to move beyond their old paradigms of
ministry within the church, pushing them to think of outreach beyond
their walls and their borders.
Gelu Paul
Gelu Paul, leader of a
student movement in Timisoara, returned from theological studies at
Gordon-Conwell Seminary in the United States with the vision to see
Romanians involved in missions. One of the first young Romanian leaders
to begin talking about missions, he worked for ten years to see the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
course translated and published in Romanian. (See the Impact-Media Web
site,, for further
information on the Romanian translation, edited by Jonathan Lewis, O Introducere in Misiunea Crestina Mondiala Conteporana: Basele Biblice si Istorice,
2001-2002.) Now he is the pastor of a new church in Timisoara, which
has already sent one young woman to India and has another woman
preparing for service with Wycliffe. Several other people are
considering missions, particularly to East Asia.
Gavi Moldovan
Gavi Moldovan, a
Pentecostal layman, desired to see God use him in evangelism. After the
1989 Revolution, his goal was to see churches planted throughout his
province. Gradually, through the ministry of MMU, he encouraged church
planting all over Romania. Finally, through exposure to the outside
world and hearing pleas for Romanians to come help in the Balkans, he
saw Romania's potential as a mission force. Moldovan's vision led him
to issue invitations to the first consultation, which ended in the
initiation of MIR and his appointment as MIR's secretary.
Benjamin Poplacean
Benjamin Poplacean,
an influential Baptist pastor and leader of a Bible school, was
initially resistant to the idea of missions, seeing how great the needs
in Romania still were. However, after reading the paper by Russ
Mitchell and being challenged by missionary colleagues, he, too, began
to catch the vision. As the leader of the Missions and Evangelism
Commission of the Romanian Evangelical Alliance, Poplacean spread the
vision through a variety of channels and became the president of MIR.
Romanian Missionaries Worldwide
is important to note is that Talos, Paul, Moldovan, and Poplacean were
already leaders with a broad national platform for spreading the
vision. When they began to speak about the urgency of missions, they
had a ready audience. Since the 1989 Revolution, Romania has sent short
and longer term missionaries to a wide range of countries, including
Afghanistan, Albania, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel,
Kenya, Libya, Macedonia, Moldova, Pakistan, Russia (particularly
Siberia), Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. In addition,
several people are working cross-culturally within Romania,
particularly with Turks and Gypsies.
Many Romanians also have been on short-term mission trips. The number of short-termers is undoubtedly in the hundreds. Many young people have served with Operation Mobilization and Youth With a Mission in various projects, and many of the missions schools and seminaries are encouraging or requiring a short-term experience as part of their program.
A growing number of (particularly young) people are gaining an
interest in missions. This can be seen by increased attendance at
regional mission conferences, and by the attendance of around 50 people
at the TEMA missions conference in Holland, despite difficulties in
getting visas. Further, around 500 students participated in the
missions conference Explo Domi in Timisoara over New Year's 2000, and
large numbers have participated in short-term trips.
Scott Klingsmith is a missionary with CBInternational and lives in Vienna, Austria.
Edited excerpt reprinted with permission from Scott Klingsmith,"Factors in the Rise of Missionary Sending Movements in East-Central Europe," Ph.D. dissertation, Trinity International University, 2002.
Scott Klingsmith, "The Romanian International Mission: A Case Study," East-West Church & Ministry Report 13 (Spring 2005), 8-9.
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ISSN 1069-5664