Czech Evangelicals and Evangelism
David Novak
I believe that the church is tempted to share cheap grace. While contextualization of the gospel is necessary, it does not mean leaving out what people do not like to hear. We cannot say, "Because people love freedom, we should not speak about obedience."
Vestiges of Moral Grounding in a Secular Society
In the Czech Republic, former president Vaclav Havel remarried one year
after the death of his first wife, Olga. Many people claimed that one
year was too short a time before a new marriage and that he probably
dated his new wife even when Olga was alive. People saw it as being
very immoral. It occurred to me that even such a godless nation as ours
speaks about "immorality." In Czech history, people sense an even
bigger discrepancy: the bloodshed associated with church struggles
through the centuries is one of the main reasons people are so hostile
to the church today. Yet, as the example of Havel shows, Czechs still
are very sensitive to what one says and how one lives. Find below
selected principles the Evangelical church could follow in order to
reach the Czech people.
Holistic Evangelicals
Many Czechs are still infected by the Communist view that Christianity
is only for the weak and the helpless. The generation over age 45 grew
up under Communism and was taught that faith is a private matter.
Christians have accepted this privatization of faith. As a result many
are unable to reflect intelligently on their faith and beliefs. They
are born again, they live very moral lives, many are very good in their
professions, but most do not publicly share their faith. I do not mean
one has to be a street evangelist, but a believer should be able to
comment on a non-Christian worldview from a Christian perspective
through the media, books, and public speeches. Such public apologetics
are still very unusual in Evangelical circles. Believers need to
understand that regardless of where they are, they are called to be vox Dei, the voice of God. As Louis J. Luzbetak writes, "The mission of the Church is to be the vox Dei in matters of faith and morals, in matters of love and justice, in matters of peace, reconciliation, and salvation."
Loving Through Relationships
One of the clearest results of my survey research is the fact that
relationships play a key role. Church leaders consider relationships
vital for the conversion of Czechs. Many people are deeply frustrated
by never-ending corruption and scandals, by the inability of courts to
deal with criminals, by the fact that most Communist leaders and
tyrants have not been brought to trial. As J. Locke writes, "Fatalism
grips the Czech mentality, and any attempt to 'candycoat' the Christian
message by ignoring the realities of life will meet with little
success. They [Czechs] have seen centuries of conquest and defeat, life
and death. They believe that nothing really changes" (Contextualizing
the Christian Message for the Czech Republic,"
Loving Through Hope
Such a situation can be a challenge for the churches. Evangelicals can
show that there is hope as they reflect God's love in their churches.
"Love of neighbor," writes Luzbetak, "is not something accessory to
mission and is not primarily a kind of lure for winning converts; it
is, in fact, nothing less than a basic constitution of the Kingdom" (The Church and Cultures; New Perspectives in Missiological Anthropology [Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1990], 4).
Loving Confrontation
Francis Schaeffer explains that God's truth and the work of Christ's
church require loving confrontation: "There are three possible
positions: unloving confrontation, no confrontation, and loving
confrontation. Only the third is biblical (The Great Evangelical Disaster
[Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1985], 402). But love does not mean that we
will always agree or that we will be silent in areas in which we
Loving Through Grace
leader John Wimber once said, "Many of our churches look like hospitals
where one is not allowed to bleed" (T. Dittrich,"Interview with J.
Wimber," Život Viry
7/8 [2003], 30). The problem is that many non-Christians still think
that to be a member of the church means to be morally perfect.
Evangelical churches need to develop an atmosphere in which it is clear
that the church is for bleeding people. This is possible only in an
atmosphere of grace. If Czech Evangelicals want to be successful in
their mission, they need grace and they need to offer acceptance in
their churches. As an elder in one of the fastest-growing Evangelical
local churches in the Czech Republic (growth rate of 12 percent per
year), I know that almost all new members give as their primary reason
for joining, "the atmosphere of grace and acceptance they feel inside
the church."
Honest Evangelicals
Czech Evangelicals should be clear in assessing the consequences of
theological liberalism and pluralism. Many in the largest Protestant
churches in the Czech Republic have embraced theological liberalism.
One of the main reasons for their liberal orientation is the influence
of the universities where their pastors have studied: The Protestant
Theological Faculty of Charles University and the Hussite Theological
Faculty of Charles University, Prague. During the Communist era,
Evangelical pastors could only study in these theological schools. To
offer an alternative to provide a solid grounding in Evangelical
theology, the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Prague (ETS) was
founded in 1991. Statistics and surveys very clearly document a massive
exodus of literally thousands of members from state churches.
Theological liberalism is not the only reason for this exodus, but I
strongly believe it is one of the reasons.
A second destructive force in Czech church life concerns the uniqueness of Christ. In multi-religious dialogue, we still must affirm our center: Jesus Christ. In the Czech context, Evangelicals have to be strongly Christ-centered. Pavel Cerny writes, "In relating to secular and religious people, the Christian church today must be ready and open to dialogue marked by humility, integrity, and sensitivity." Some will accuse Evangelicals of intolerance, black-and-white thinking, exclusivism, perhaps even fanaticism. But Evangelicals must hold to classic Christian teaching without compromise.
Evangelical Commitment to Mission
survey of Czech church leaders revealed that "Christians do not see
mission as a priority." Certainly, one of the reasons is that believers
are not taught the proper place of mission in the church.
Unfortunately, Czech Evangelical churches are mostly attended by the
middle class, and sometimes, the upper class. For example, in my home
church, 90 percent of the congregation is university educated, with
almost no members from the lower classes or from the fringes of
society. We have special organizations taking care of these people,
like the Salvation Army and Nadeje (Hope) for the homeless, Teen
Challenge for drug-addicted youth, charities for single mothers, and so
forth. From the outside it looks as if these organizations are for "big
sinners," while the church is for the "average" or "little" sinners.
I see several reasons for such a situation. First, in many cases, to take care of the homeless, drug addicts, single mothers, and others, specialists are needed. At the same time, we have to ask whether the second reason for this situation is that the church has a problem accepting sinners. Faced with such a situation, we have to remember that 35 percent of church leaders surveyed felt social work was as important as mission. A third factor may be the small number of believers in the Czech Republic and what surveyed church leaders called a "bad spiritual atmosphere." Sadly, a fourth factor may be the church itself. The Evangelical church needs to ask if it is mission-oriented or self-oriented. Church leaders will have to teach that mission is not something unusual, but an integral part of the church.
Creative Evangelicals
One of the reasons Paul was so successful in mission was the fact that
he was able to communicate to listeners in their own language (I
Corinthians 9:19-23). As for modern day equivalents, sports and English
evangelistic camps seem to be good tools for reaching young people,
while British-born Alpha small-group Bible study courses are for all
generations. To make English camps more effective they should be
offered to adults as well as young people. Because of Communism, the
middle generation could not study English. Many people over 40 feel
handicapped not being able to communicate well in English. Opening
English camps for older generations could be a good possibility. Such
camps have happened several times, and they were very well accepted.
Second, hunger to study English is so strong that missionaries could
connect with the unreached middle generation through English classes
taught throughout the year. By this means they will very quickly have
many natural contacts with non-Christians over age 40. Third,
missionary teachers have great opportunities to share topics in English
classes that connect with important areas of human life. Fourth, Alpha
courses involve all ages in the church: youth, middle, and older
generations. These courses help Christians develop good common ground
with their non-Christian neighbors.
Evangelicals Working Together
Survey findings clearly indicate tension and misunderstanding between
Western missionaries and local churches. But the goal is to work
together. I see several ways the relationship could be improved. First,
missionaries should work under the authority of the local churches. By
authority I do not mean tyranny. The vision of the local church should
be the starting point for missionaries. One way the two can work
together is to pair a missionary with local church follow up. At the
same time, missionaries do face the predicament of trying to serve two
masters at the same time: the local church and the sending agency. The
only solution is for the sending agency to communicate directly with
the local church to try to really understand the context in which the
missionary is serving.
In addition, missionaries should not be under pressure to achieve quick results. Certainly it is very difficult for missionaries to share with their supporters that, after several years, no one has become a Christian through their ministry. They should realize that Czechs can be very resistant, and missionary supporters need to be understanding and patient.
Finally, missionaries and even mission agencies should consider providing support for national workers. This is a sensitive issue, but one national who knows the language and culture can do a lot of work. There should be very serious discussion of who should be supported and what kind of system there should be for supporting nationals.
Biblically Grounded Evangelicals
A study of Paul's epistles can serve as a basis for missions in the
Czech Republic. Evangelicals concerned about missions should be asking
some key questions:
1) How important a place does mission play in the churches?
2) How effectively do preachers and teachers connect their preaching and teaching to the idea of mission?
3) What is the attitude of church people towards those who are outside the church?
4) What are their relationships with non-Christians?
5) Are they motivated to reach out to non-Christians?
6) Do people in the church really believe in the uniqueness of Jesus?
7) If they claim that Jesus is Lord, what does it mean in practice?
8) How do they understand multi-religious dialogue?
9) Is faith only a matter of objective knowledge or is it also a matter of personal experience?
10 Are church people able to share with others how they became Christians?
11 Are they able to share in contemporary language?
12) How effectively is our faith reflected in our daily lives?
13) Is our life a consistent message?
14) Do people in the church understand well that faith is inseparably connected with daily life?
In summary, survey research shows that Evangelical church leaders
view relationships with non-Christians and English and sport camps as a
crucial part of mission. The main obstacles they see are Christians
with few contacts with non-Christians and Christians not recognizing
mission as a priority. Respondents believe the most effective
evangelistic tools today are English camps, camping trips in the
countryside together with Christians, and the growing popularity of
Alpha courses. David Novak is a pastor in the Czech Republic.
David Novak teaches philosophy at the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Prague, adn is a pastor in the Czech Church of the Brethren.
Edited excerpts published with permission from David Novak, "A Critical Examination of Mission in Czech Evangelical Churches: Context, Reality, Roots, and Vision." University of Wales, M.Th. Thesis, 2004.
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© 2005 East-West Church and Ministry Report
ISSN 1069-5664