FORUM: working together works best
Three Approaches to Christian Ministry in Russia
by Elaine Springer
Three ministries currently working in Russia offer contrasting and complimentary models for missionary involvement.
The CoMission accepts candidates who are 20 years of age or older. The goal is to place 12,000 workers in one-year terms of service between 1992 and 1997. Because of the short-term nature of The CoMission ministry, applicants have no language requirements. For their one-year assignments single workers raise $20,000 in support. Couples without children raise $35,000 for a year's support.
The Alliance concentrates on church planting in close cooperation with the indigenous churches of the former Soviet Union and East Central Europe. It's goal is to see 5,500 new churches established in five years and to conduct training conferences for pastors leading these new congregations.
AD2000 and Beyond, DAWN (Discipling A Whole Nation), and United World Mission formed The Alliance at the AD2000-sponsored "Nations for Christ" conference. Eight hundred church leaders from the former Soviet Union and East Central Europe attended this May 1992 meeting in Riga, Latvia. Seventeen participating ministries have a goal of placing 400 long-term missionaries. Language study is required. Candidates raise support according to marital status, family size, and other requirements of respective member ministries of The Alliance.
The Russia 250 Project assists CIS national church
leaders in the recruitment, training, and support of indigenous workers
whose goal is to establish 250 new congregations by December
1995. Five Western mission agencies ? Harvester, Peter Deyneka
Russian Ministries, TEAM, United World Mission, and WorldTeam ? have
joined hands to this end. Ministry specialists with experience on many
continents are assisting Christians from Soviet successor states in the
development and implementation of church planting strategies.
Western missionaries can also serve in support roles as consultants,
resource providers, teachers, and prayer partners. As a church
becomes self-sustaining, the expectation is that funds used to
establish a new congregation would be transferred to other
church-planters reaching other geographic regions of the CIS where
churches are rare or non-existent.
Similarities and Distinctives
The CoMission, The Alliance, and Russia 250 Project goals are
complementary rather than competitive. Participants in all three
efforts want to see people come to a knowledge of biblical
Christianity. By aligning themselves strongly with existing
evangelical churches, both The Alliance and the Russia 250 Project
should provide genuine encouragement to believers, and, in addition,
fill a tremendous need. In contrast, The CoMission?s broad
organizational base and lack of close ties to the church may
enable it to work in ways that churches cannot, such as through public
school presentations of Christian ethical teachings.
Both The CoMission and the Russia 250 Project plan to place nationals in leadership in three to five years. The Russia 250 Project also envisions the formation of indigenous mission boards in each former Soviet republic to oversee the work. This is a new concept for this part of the world because Communists, by statute, previously prohibited the commissioning of missionaries and evangelists.
Neither The CoMission nor The Alliance are new mission
agencies. Both are coalitions of preexisting ministries joining
hands to implement a common vision. In both cases individual
agencies process candidate applications on behalf of the umbrella
associations. The CoMission and The Alliance differ in short-term
versus long-term placements, in language requirements, and in the
amount of prior experience expected of candidates. This diversity
may prove beneficial by permitting the matching of a great variety of
gifts with a great variety of needs.
Elaine Springer is director of cross-cultural communications for Peter Deyneka Russian Ministries, Wheaton, IL.
The CoMission
4201 North Peachtree Rd. #1997 Atlanta, GA 30341 Tel: (404) 123-4567, #324 Fax: (404) 458-7485 |
The Alliance
Box 236 Rt. 1 Upper Hudlow Rd. Union Mills, NC 28167 Tel: (704) 287-9905 Fax: (704) 287-9908 |
The Russia 250 Project
Peter Deyneka Russian Ministries Box 496 Wheaton, IL 60189 Tel: (708) 462-1739 Fax: (708) 690-2976 |
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© 1993 East-West Church and Ministry Report
ISSN 1069-5664